Here are a few pictures of the course that I took. My computer doesn't want to cooperate so I cannot seem to rotate a few of them, so I apologize for the sideways shots!
Fences 10 and 11...big angled tables one stride apart. |
That brush was as tall as me! |
The front side of the big brush at fence 6. |
The Sunken Road |
Jump, one stride, down, one stride, up, bounce, jump. |
Sorry it's sideways but my computer is being a pain...the is 4B. |
Another sideways view of 4AB. |
And a sideways view of 15A, and you can barely see the flags for the drop to the chevrons (BCD). |
15BCD |
15ABCD from the back side...look at that drop! |
I want to take a second to thank everyone for the texts and messages today. It's really awesome knowing that I have a cheering section back home!
Eventing Nation has video of the entire Advanced division over bits and pieces of the entire course if you're interested in seeing how it rode. They only caught me jumping over fence of the "small" tables heading to the final loop of the course.
Thanks for reading, and think clean thoughts for Lady and I around noon tomorrow...that's when we'll be doing the final phase, stadium jumping.
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